Writer Mat Ombler and Laced community manager Tom Quillfeldt pick their favourite original and licensed video game soundtracks from the Teens.

Writer Mat Ombler and Laced community manager Tom Quillfeldt pick their favourite original and licensed video game soundtracks from the Teens.
Five avid VGM vinyl collectors wax lyrical about their passion for game music and soundtrack records — and offer crate-digging and tech tips for beginner hobbyists. By Thomas Quillfeldt
By Frederik Lauridsen AKA Blip Blop Wax I was really excited by the recent announcement of Red Dead Redemption 2. It’s a good time to be a fan of the series, with 2004’s Red Dead Revolver coming to PlayStation 4 and Red Dead Redemption becoming backwards compatible on Xbox One and...
By Thomas Quillfeldt and James Marshall Cinema has amassed a mountain of iconic moments soundtracked by popular music tracks. Video games as a medium are catching up though and in many ways have the advantage—after all, many games allow for emergent moments of joy where the soundtrack and gameplay match...
By Thomas Quillfeldt Released in August 2015 across consoles and PC, Mike Bithell Games’ Volume is a stealth action puzzler that mixes the mythos of Robin Hood with the neon sci-fi of Tron. Volume saw BAFTA-nominated composer David Housden join game designer Mike Bithell for their second collaboration. The first, 2012’s...
By Thomas Quillfeldt If you look at the games that have been awarded 10/10 by the biggest websites, the various “top 100 games” lists knocking about and the top ranked games on Metacritic and Gamerankings, certain titles come up again and again. What unites them? Bloody great music for...